Version 1.2

Presentation: Creating a Convergent Application Following the KDE Human Interface Guidelines

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How to create an application for mobile that can also run on a desktop environment without maintaining two separate code bases? What UI/UX guidelines should the application follow? Is there any framework that implements these guidelines?

Calindori is a calendar application created for Plasma Mobile but it can run on desktop environments as well.. Thanks to the Kirigami framework which implements the KDE Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), developers can choose the components that fit their needs and create convergent applications. In this talk, there will be presented the various Kirigami components as well as the underlying KDE HIG used in Calindori.

The audience will be introduced to the primary components of Kirigami and learn how an application can be based on them. After the talk, attendants may be inspired to create their own Kirigami applications.


Day: 2020-09-06
Start time: 16:40
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 1
Track: Technical



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