Version 1.2

Presentation: Clear.Dental

Moving Dentistry to Open Source using the power of Linux, Qt, and KDE


This presentation will go over my passion project: Clear.Dental. The presentation will go over the state of Dental software, the problem with the current software available, and how Clear.Dental will try to solve it.

The presentation will go over the scope, basic design, current status and the future of Clear.Dental. This presentation will also go over some of the major hurdles in using Linux and FLOSS in a clinical environment and recommendations to other people trying to move EHR to a more FLOSS friendly environment.

The presentation will go over the scope, basic design, history, current status and the future of Clear.Dental. This presentation will also go over some of the major hurdles in using Linux and FLOSS in a clinical environment and recommendations to other people trying to move EHR to a more FLOSS friendly environment. I will probably also end the presentation with recommendation to the KDE team for features that would be very useful in a dental clinic.


Day: 2020-09-05
Start time: 19:00
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 1
Track: Health



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