Version 0.1

Presentation: Replace Replace

KDE Frameworks Classes: KMacroExpander

Event large

String formatting is everyone's favorite activity, right? In Python, it is so popular there are at least four ways to do it. In C++ with Qt, the options are a little more limited, QString::arg() is most common, but the KDE Framework CoreAddons offers a more powerful tool: KMacroExpander.

This talk will look into the use of KMacroExpander, for simple and somewhat more advanced uses. We'll look at both static and dynamic replacement for use in a string. By the end of the talk you will be able to replace convoluted string replacements with KMacroExpander.


Day: 2020-01-19
Start time: 14:05
Duration: 00:30
Room: Room 842-843
Track: Technical



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