Version 1

Technicaltalk: Why, what and how to contribute to Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP Client


Trojitá's known for doing one thing and doing it best: being an IMAP client. This talk will begin with an introduction to Trojitá and what makes it stand apart from other email clients, with a demonstration of it's effectiveness at handling huge mailboxes. I would then move to the areas that are still in need of contribution, and how there's opportunity for people across interests to make contributions to Trojitá.

The talk is aimed at generating curiosity about Trojitá, a fast, cross-platform IMAP client, and highlighting the areas where the application still requires lots of contribution. Some questions that the talk would answer:
What makes Trojitá fast?
What makes Trojitá different?
Where Trojitá needs further feature development?
[Lacking multi-account support, PGP/S-MIME support, ports to mobile UIs]
What makes working for Trojitá exciting?
How to contribute?


Day: 2015-04-18
Start time: 16:00
Duration: 00:40
Track: KDE




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