1–7 Oct 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Europe/Madrid timezone

OpenVoiceOS Voice Assistant Platform Showcase

2 Oct 2022, 12:40
Room 1

Room 1

Talk (40 min) Nuts and Bolts


Mr Aditya Mehra


OpenVoiceOS is a community-powered Linux platform purpose-built to showcase the power of Open Source Voice Assistance.

The major graphical user interface elements powering up the OpenVoiceOS technology stack are built upon KDE Frameworks, Kirigami, and Mycroft GUI. OpenVoiceOS targets bringing the latest voice assistance improvements to a range of devices ranging from embedded headless devices, desktops, mobile platforms, big screen TVs, or single board computers with screens to build a do-it-yourself smart speaker.

This talk will explore the OpenVoiceOS technology stack, highlighting the core design, plugin system, goals of the platform, and how we currently incorporate and use KDE technologies on the OpenVoiceOS platform.

Description OpenVoiceOS is built by a team of Mycroft AI community of voice technologies enthusiasts interested in making cutting-edge voice assistant technology available to all platforms.
A short bio Aditya Mehra is a developer and maintainer on the Plasma Mycroft, Plasma Bigscreen and OpenVoiceOS projects. He is also an community developer at Mycroft AI working on bring the intelligent digital assistant to the Linux Desktop/Mobile Platform and has been contributing to the desktop integration project since Mycroft’s early days.

Primary author

Mr Aditya Mehra

Presentation materials