1–7 Oct 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Europe/Madrid timezone

What's this 'Wayland' anyway?

2 Oct 2022, 10:45
Room 1

Room 1

Talk (40 min) Nuts and Bolts


David Redondo


There's still a lot of misconceptions about what Wayland is and how it in particular affects the user experience of interacting with the Linux desktop.
In this presentation I want to talk about the meaning(s) of the term 'Wayland' and outline how these fit together.
I also want to briefly discuss how the development of Wayland itself works and how this advances the Linux desktop ecosystem.

Description Looking through forum and social media I see comments that show that in the general public it's not clear what Wayland is or how it works. Because of this I thought of such a talk to further understanding to a potentially wider audience than just developers interacting with Wayland.
A short bio I am KDE developer since 2019 and in this capacity as well as in my professional work at Blue Systems doing Wayland related work among other things.

Primary author

David Redondo

Presentation materials