1–7 Oct 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Europe/Madrid timezone

The creation of a new Plasma product

1 Oct 2022, 17:10
Room 1

Room 1

Talk (40 min) How To


Aleix Pol Gonzalez (KDE)


We will go through the process towards the creation of a new Plasma product, showing what makes the different ones (Plasma Mobile, Plasma Big Screen, Plasma Desktop, Plasma Ink (!)) different in practice and the steps necessary were we to create a new one.
This talk attempts to demystify the process and show us how to run these products normally in any traditional distribution system rather than pushing for the need to create otherwise redundant ISO images.

Description Puts together several approaches within Plasma together, helps people understand what they're actually packaging and releasing
A short bio KDE developer since quite a while, native Barcelonian and KDE e.V. President.

Primary author

Aleix Pol Gonzalez (KDE)

Presentation materials