Oct 1 – 7, 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Europe/Madrid timezone

Getting your application ready for KF6

Oct 1, 2022, 5:55 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Talk (40 min) How To


Nicolas Fella Alexander Lohnau


At last year's Akademy we learned about the goals and plans for the next major version of KDE Frameworks. A lot has happend since then, including experimental support for Qt6.
In this talk we want to give a hands-on guide to preparing for and porting to what will become KDE Frameworks 6. We will discuss general porting strategy, build system adaptions, common deprecated API, and porting pitfalls.

Description After the talk attendees will know how to prepare their application for the future and the soon-to-come Frameworks 6 release
A short bio Alexander and Nicolas have been contributing to a wide range of KDE projects for several years, recently focussing on working towards KDE Frameworks 6

Primary authors

Nicolas Fella Alexander Lohnau

Presentation materials