Version 0.5

Presentation: Bringing Community Data Analysis Back to KDE

Or How I Got Into Colorful Blobs

Event large

After Paul Adams retired from KDE to pursue other endeavors, we were left with not much insights left about the health of our community. This talk will explain why and how I decided to pick up the torch. It will also cover future plans and interesting questions to explore. No colored blobs were harmed during the making of that talk.

In this talk we will explore the work previously done by Paul Adams about community metrics. I will explain the code legacy we got from Paul and how I modernized it. This will be the opportunity to demo some of the tooling. I will also explain why I'm not planning to reuse off the shelf solutions for that work.

Next, I will give my own interpretation to the diagrams and metrics Paul was previously producing. This will explain and justify some of the improvements brought to the visualizations that were advertised in the past months.

Last but not least, I will explain some of the currently undergoing work and the questions I plan to explore. There might be crazy plans about going beyond just visualizing what's going on in the community...


Day: 2018-08-11
Start time: 15:30
Duration: 00:25
Room: EI7
Track: Community



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