Version 0.5

Fast Track: Guerilla Usability Testing

How low-cost, low-effort user testing can improve KDE's products

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Guerilla Usability Testing (sometimes called "pub test") is a quick, easy and cheap alternative to traditional lab testing: You just take a device with what you want to test on it to some place where you find members of your target audience (usually a public place, but can also be your workplace, school or sometimes even your friends and family), have them try it out while you observe (and potentially record) them, and ask a few questions. Usually you buy them a drink afterwards.
This talk introduces the method, what you have to keep in mind for it to work well, and what it should or should not be applied for.

Since we are doing extremely little user testing in KDE, this talk is meant to introduce this alternative to the community, which is more feasible for us than traditional lab testing. Guerilla Usability Testing can be applied by pretty much anybody.


Day: 2018-08-12
Start time: 11:10
Duration: 00:10
Room: EI7
Track: Fast Track & Lightning



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