Version 1.2

: Embracing Mobile


Plasma 5's first release brought us all a new, modernized desktop with traditional interface paradigms in order to ease the transition for our large group of existing users. It welcomes new users with a familiar interface to get their work done.

Plasma has, however, always had ambitions beyond the desktop. Plasma has been built from the ground up to share code across a device range. Under the motto sharing where possible, diversification where beneficial, Plasma 5 sports a mechanism to dynamically load a device-specific UI. In its early releases, this feature hasn't been in the spotlight.

Now the time has come to bring Plasma to a wider range of systems. In their talk, Boudewijn and Sebastian will devise a strategy to extend Plasma's usage scenarios beyond its traditional target devices, and perhaps surprise the audience with something shiny and new.

The talk is suitable for a general audience and doesn't require any specific technological background.


Day: 2015-07-25
Start time: 11:35
Duration: 00:30
Track: Main Talk (30min)




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