Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

Closing the distance between CPU and GPU with Signed Distance Fields

Jun 20, 2021, 11:40 AM
Talk Track 2


Arjen Hiemstra (Blue Systems)


Traditional 2D rendering methods make use of the CPU. However, modern systems feature an increasingly powerful GPU. Unfortunately the traditional methods are not very suitable for running on the GPU. This means we need to reconsider how to render 2D elements. In this talk I will talk about one technique called Signed Distance Fields, which is used by the KQuickCharts framework as well as the ShadowedRectangle in Kirigami. Signed Distance Fields require some changes in how we deal with 2D elements, but once we have overcome those, they become a very powerful tool for advanced 2D rendering.

Authors' Bio

I have been contributing to KDE for a long time. I originally joined the Gluon game engine project, but also contributed to Calligra and Krita. More recently I have been working on the new Plasma System Monitor. I enjoy working on visual and graphics related problems.

Primary author

Arjen Hiemstra (Blue Systems)

Presentation materials