Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

I Can't Work Like This

Jun 19, 2021, 8:05 AM
Talk Track 1


Ms Patricia Aas (TurtleSec)


Making software products can be fraught with conflicts, where people in different roles may feel sabotaged by others. In this talk I present a model for thinking about the problems we solve and how we solve them, and using that I hope to convince you that team excellence comes from our differences, rather than in spite of them. Hopefully you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of that colleague that never writes tests, or the one that constantly complains that all you do is "make bugs".

Authors' Bio

Patricia Aas is a C++ programmer with a "thing for building browsers". She works for a company she co-founded called TurtleSec where she teaches courses in Secure Coding in C++ and does consulting and contracting. She has been a professional programmer for 16 years, and started off her career working on the original Opera browser. Since then she has made embedded products at Cisco and another browser at Vivaldi. When she has time she works on her own open source (pre-alpha) Chromium/Blink+Qt based browser called TurtleBrowser.

Primary author

Ms Patricia Aas (TurtleSec)

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