Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

Developing products that break out of our bubble(s)

Jun 20, 2021, 11:00 AM
Talk Track 1


Neofytos Kolokotronis (KDE)


KDE develops software products used daily by millions of people. Some are expected to be used by a generic pool of users, others are intended for specific groups. Yet, all of them certainly have the potential to reach even more users.

In this talk I will present the various levels of bubbles that our products need to break out from, in order to grow their userbase. I am going to explore KDE applications that are already doing amazingly well, take a look at those that can be considered as great candidates to travel outside our orbit, and provide some tips on how we can enable more of our apps to achieve greatness.

Authors' Bio

After a couple of years contributing to KDE, I joined KDE e.V. in 2018 and was elected to the Board of Directors in 2019. In my day job, I run innovation programs and support tech startups to get their products from an idea, to an mvp and to the market. I am also a founder and contributor to Open Data/Government projects.

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