Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

Community's Adventures in Analyticsland - Or the State of the Community Through New Analytics

Jun 25, 2021, 5:00 PM
Talk Track 1


Christelle Zouein (enioka Conseil)Dr Kevin Ottens (enioka Haute Couture)


Things got a bit quiet and slow again regarding the community data analytics. The universe has a weird sense of humor, admittedly it went out of control this time. But behind the scene, things have still been happening in the community at large and with our community data analytics tooling in particular. This talk will explain what's new in that department and produce a new report on the community adventures. No line will be stolen from Lewis Carroll for this talk... until we decide otherwise.

In this talk we will pick up where we left in 2018. We focused quite a bit on the history of the tools we use for community data analytics. Because of this we showed only a few phenomena which could but didn't do a large study of the community.

Since then, more features have been added to our tooling which allow to leverage more data for GitLab based projects. Since KDE now switched to GitLab for a little while, it is time to take a closer look at the interactions happening there. This is especially interesting since even quite a bit of traffic from mailing lists moved on that platform.

We will revisit several older topics under that new light. In particular, we should have a much more precise reading of the contributor networks than ever before. Also, we will see how KDE did under the on-going pandemic.

Authors' Bio

Christelle Zouein is a computer engineering student, majoring in Data Science. She started learning about open source communities when she joined EPITA, and moved to a Linux based environment to work. She got to know the KDE community more closely during her first internship under Kevin Ottens at enioka Haute Couture where she worked on ComDaAn for 4 months. She's currently a Data Science Consultant intern at enioka Conseil, a sister branch of enioka Haute Couture (so not too far from home). Her responsibilities are mainly her current ML project, a little recruitment work, some R&D and a great deal of learning. She lives in Paris, enjoying croissants almost every morning.

Kevin Ottens has a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence which led him to focus on ontology engineering and multi-agent systems. As a student, he fell in love with the KDE community and is now well into spending more than 15 years contributing to KDE and Qt. He has been also helping with the community stewardship, for instance participating in the creation of the KDE Manifesto. Nowadays, Kevin strives at enioka Haute Couture having a very wide view on software engineering. His responsibilities range from software architecture and code to Open Source strategies. He also spends time coaching teams and other engineers in leadership positions. He still lives in Toulouse where he gives a few lectures in his former University.

Primary authors

Christelle Zouein (enioka Conseil) Dr Kevin Ottens (enioka Haute Couture)

Presentation materials