Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

Addressing wayland robustness

Jun 20, 2021, 6:20 PM
Talk Track 2


David Edmundson (KDE)


Plasma hasn't been one of the first desktops to transition to wayland, which still gives us the opportunity to make the best transition.

One of the biggest issues that face wayland adoption is stability, if a client crashes, you just reopen it. If kwin wayland crashes, we lose everything. This is true across all desktops.

This talk showcases work across multiple libraries and toolkits to tackle this at the root with a method of "compositor handoffs" allowing clients to safely securely and seamlessly reconnect to a relaunched wayland compositor. This not only tackles the issue of robustness but also opens up a whole avenue of new opportunities that were previously impossible.

We will look at the work done and the upcoming steps remaining for this to reach all end users.

Authors' Bio

David Edmundson is a long term KDE developer employed by Blue Systems to work on Plasma.

Primary author

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