Jun 18 – 25, 2021
UTC timezone

Modern C++ - STL Containers and Allocators

Jun 18, 2021, 4:00 PM
Track 1


Marc Mutz (KDAB)


This training is restricted to KDE developers, the room link & password is available at: https://invent.kde.org/teams/kde-developers/training/-/wikis/Akademy-2021

This training is a subset of KDAB's regular Modern C++ training, focusing on containers and allocators. After teaching what's new in the STL containers since C++98, Marc will take a deep dive into allocators

and how to use them efficiently. At the end of the training, participants will have a firm grasp of STL containers and allocators, and see the Qt containers for what they are: code-churning 90s designs with lots of baggage no-one needs.

As a bonus for the community to which Marc owes his job, he will also include a special section on the Non-Owning Interface Idiom (NOI v2.0), which has never been presented before in public.

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