15–21 Jul 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

UIs in Rust with Slint

15 Jul 2023, 17:05
room 2

room 2

Conference Talk Frameworks and Toolkits


Tobias Hunger


Slint is a UI framework written in Rust with hand-crafted bindings to Rust, C++ and Javascript. Slint scales from microcontrollers with no OS and just a few KiB of RAM all the way up to desktop UIs backed by graphics accelerators.

This presentation shows what slint is and how to build a small UI with it.


Slint uses a domain specific language that looks somewhat similar to QML, so KDE devs that are curious about Rust can feel right at home. Slint is not touring-complete though. This enforces a strong separation between UI and business logic and enables tooling, and enables us to compile the UI to native Rust or C++ code.

Slint can use Qt as a backend for its Widgets, so it fits nicely into a KDE system.


I am a developer from Berlin/Germany, hanging out in the local Rust groups.

Starting out as an open source contributor, I moved to develop in C++ in the late 1990 and have been contributing to C++ open source projects ever since. A few years ago I heard about Rust and got hooked: I am a regular at the Rust meetups in Berlin and I am contributing to the Slint UI toolkit – written in and for Rust.

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Headshot Link https://nextcloud.slint-ui.com/s/8qpLF9BpHQkLNAM

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