Jul 15 – 21, 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

KDE Embedded - Where are we?

Jul 15, 2023, 5:55 PM
room 2

room 2

Conference Talk Embedded


Dr Andreas Cord-Landwehr


Do you know this nervous feeling when powering on an embedded device for the first time? Not sure whether you will see smoke, an awesome Plasma desktop, or just a blinking bar on a serial shell followed by nothing? -- Embedded devices are fascinating! And in this talk I want to show what we have in the KDE community to get you favorite KDE software on them.

In this talk I want to cover:
- the tooling we have in KDE (our Yocto layers) to easily create embedded devices and how that works
- which devices are most interesting at the moment, in my very subjective view, and which we use for our KDE demos (yeah, say "RISC-V"!)
- the concept of an immutable image, which is created by a build system (like Yocto), put onto a device and updated by fail-safe steps, but also the topic of containerized apps and why we need to look into them for embedded devices
- my ideas about next topics and directions that we should pursue in our embedded area and how easy it is to join this quest :)


Andreas is with KDE for more than a decade. Initially, he was involved with the KDE-Edu project, but nowadays he is mostly interested in topics around embedded systems, Wayland, and tooling for system analysis. After he did his PhD in 2016 in the field of algorithmic game theory, he started his professional career as an embedded systems engineer for agriculture machinery. Today, he is a terminal architect for CLAAS E-Systems.

Headshot Link https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1029323?v=4

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