Jul 15 – 21, 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

Spooky Action at a Distance: Remote Desktop for KWin Wayland

Jul 16, 2023, 2:30 PM
room 2

room 2

Conference Talk Wayland


Arjen Hiemstra (Blue Systems)


While the X11 Display Server had network transparency as a core feature, Wayland compositors are not required to implement things the same way. In fact, the Wayland protocol itself has not been designed as a protocol for network use. Yet remotely controlling a desktop remains an important use case for a number of users.

For KWin, we have been working on several features over the past years that together allow us to implement remote desktop support within KWin Wayland. Together with a new library called KRdp that implements the RDP protocol we now have a solution that allows controlling any KWin Wayland session over a network connection. Moreover, this includes some features we were not able to offer before.

In this talk I will go over some of the history of remote desktop support in KDE. I will also talk about some of the features within KWin that we make use of to get all this working. Finally I will talk about implementing the RDP protocol layer and the other parts needed to get all this together.

Primary author

Arjen Hiemstra (Blue Systems)

Presentation materials