Jul 15 – 21, 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

Testing latest KDE software, from Plasma desktop to Apps

Jul 16, 2023, 3:15 PM
room 1

room 1

Conference Talk Code Quality


Timothée Ravier (Red Hat)


One way to find bugs is to have users test changes as early as possible after they are commited, or even better, before they are committed, during the merge request process.

With Flatpak builds in Invent GitLab CI and Fedora Kinoite Nightly, we are making that possible respectively for KDE Apps and KDE Plasma.

KDE Apps are now distributed as Flatpaks via Flathub and we are setting up GitLab CI in KDE Invent to build Flatpaks for each merge request. This lets users test fixes for KDE Apps directly by downloading the Flatpak bundle produced as part of the merge request. Feedback on bug fixes can thus happen before the merge request is merged.

Fedora Kinoite is an immutable or image based version of Fedora that is built with rpm-ostree and includes the KDE Plasma desktop and KDE Apps. Kinoite Nightly is a variant of Fedora Kinoite based on the latest stable release of Fedora but includes nightly builds of KDE Plasma packages instead of the stable ones.

With Fedora Kinoite, users can update their system as a whole like an image and rollback any update if they hit a major bug. This capability lets them try out upcoming changes in KDE Plasma without fear of ending up with an unusable system as they can always go back to the previously working version.

With both those changes, we are working on making testing development versions of the KDE Plasma Desktop and the KDE Apps more accessible for non technical users.

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