Jul 15 – 21, 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

KF6 - Are we there yet?

Jul 15, 2023, 4:25 PM
room 1

room 1

Conference Talk Frameworks and Toolkits


Alexander Lohnau Nicolas Fella Volker Krause (KDE)


Spoiler: No.

But how far are we on our way to full KF6 glory? And what challenges lay ahead? In this talk we are going to look at the current state of Qt6/KF6 porting in KDE. Application developers will learn how porting works in practice, how to approach it and what to look out for. We are also going to look at the remaining challenges for developing and releasing KF6 and a tentative release plan.

This is going to be the last KF6 talk, I promise!


Nicolas, Volker, and Alexander have been part of the KDE Community for many years. Recently their focus has been on the Qt6/KF6 transition, which they have talked about at previous Akademies already

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