Jul 15 – 21, 2023
University of Macedonia (UoM)
Europe/Athens timezone

Keynote: Kdenlive - what can we learn after 20 years of development?

Jul 16, 2023, 10:00 AM
room 1

room 1



Eugen Mohr (Kdenlive core team) Jean-Baptiste Mardelle Massimo Stella (Kdenlive)


Last year marked the 20th anniversary of the Kdenlive video editor, and the start of a shift in our development. Discover the team behind this very popular project, and what we learned during these years - what are our strengths, how we are organizing our roadmap and what we are planning to avoid past mistakes and keep growing.

We will also talk about the future of the project and the exciting things to come!

Primary authors

Presentation materials