Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

An Operating System of Our Own

Sep 7, 2024, 5:10 PM
Room 1

Room 1

Conference Talk KDE Development


Harald Sitter (KDE)


Are we creating an OS? Is KDE even the right place? The rumor mills are churning. What is behind project "🍌 OS"? Is this finally the time to create a KDE OS? What does it take to make a good OS?
We will look at existing endeavors, what we can learn from them, and where the industry is moving as whole. I will outline a pathway for KDE to build a reliable OS that we can give to users, developers, and hardware partners alike.



Decade-long KDE contributor. Known for Kubuntu, KDE neon, and bikeshedding.

Presentation materials