Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

QML in Qt6

Sep 7, 2024, 2:30 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk Qt Con Continued


Mr Ulf Hermann (the Qt Company)


The talk will give an overview on how the QML language has developed since Qt5. It will point out the opportunities for better performance and maintainability arising from new tooling and a more extensive type system. It will also point out some sore spots to look out for and show the direction in which we hope to develop the language going forward.


Ulf Hermann has been the maintainer of the QML language and run time library since 2019.


This is a good place to also discuss KDE's feature wishes for the QML language. Since a lot of those have come up lately, I will prepare some structured notes of what I've heard of so far and reserve some time for it.

Headshot Link

Presentation materials