Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Pythonizing Qt

Sep 7, 2024, 5:55 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk Qt Con Continued


Dr Cristián Maureira-Fredes (The Qt Company)


Since its release, Qt has been exposed to other languages in order to bring the amazing features to other communities, and to combine our beloved framework with other language-specific features.

After the success of many language bindings like Python, particularly for the PyQt and PySide projects, one can ask: "Once the language bindings are complete, is the project done?"

This talk presents the many implemented and planned features that PySide (a.k.a. Qt for Python) has, which go beyond to the known Qt API, and the motivation behind those decisions.

The goal of the presentation is to highlight a success story of bringing Qt to a completely different language, and also the lessons learned that could be used in order to improve the main Qt implementation in C++.

Attendees also will be exposed to the current project plan for future Qt releases, and new prototypes that have been discussed.


Social Links


- Qt language bindings
- The case of Python
- PyQt and PySide story
- Searching for new features
- Interaction with other Python-projects
- PySide's features
- feature option
- NumPy support
- QtAsyncIO
- Lazy Loading
- Other Python module integration
- The future of the project
- New module integration
- The role of Qt Creator and Qt Design Studio
- Packaging and tooling
- New Python Qt modules.


Sr. R&D Manager at the Qt company, Open Source enthusiast, and a serial community/conference organizer.

Headshot Link

Presentation materials