Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Financial support for working on KDE

Sep 8, 2024, 2:40 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Fast Track Talk KDE Development


Jos van den Oever (NLnet)


The importance of Free Software for companies, governments and individuals is still growing. Instead of contributing code, these users make funds available for others to work on FOSS. This talk will give an overview of various sources of funding that developers can apply for. It will feature examples of projects and people that have been paid to work on KDE. At the end there will be tips on how to apply for funding and what to expect.


Jos van den Oever has been a member of the KDE community for many years. These days he is mostly a user while at his day-job at NLnet he helps to give FOSS projects funding.

Headshot Link

Presentation materials