7–12 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Openwashing - How do we handle (and enforce?) OSS policies in products?

8 Sept 2024, 11:00
Room 1

Room 1

Conference Talk FOSS Philosophy


Markus Feilner


More and more companies have accepted the importance of open source. Especially in tenders, it cannot be avoided. However, evasion strategies are big in many products, code is not handed over nor published and more. this panel features experts, reports about typical cases and tries to find solutions what the community can do to keep the term "open source" alive.


Markus Feilner is senior Linux/FLOSS expert, journalist, coach and analyst. After years as IT consultant and team lead documentation at SuSE, he spent a decade as deputy editor-in-chief for Linux-Magazine and Heise iX , both leading German tech magazines. Since the year 2000 his Regensburg company Feilner IT is specialized on OSS and the OSI layers 8, 9, 10, and 11.

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