7–12 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

KDE Apps Initiative

8 Sept 2024, 11:45
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk KDE Development


Carl Schwan


This talk is about the my new KDE Apps initiative, to try to get people to write more KDE applications. I will describe the current state of the KDE app ecosystem and explain why it is important to get more KDE apps and what we can do to improve the situation.

This will be continuation of this blog post https://carlschwan.eu/2024/05/31/kde-apps-initiative/ and includes the progress made since then.

Social Links



KDE is a long time KDE developer. He started contributing nearly 7 years ago and is involved almost everywhere: from app development, to websites and marketing.

Headshot Link https://carlschwan.eu/img/avatar_huccf9fccdd27b10b08dfdacefc35be2a2_24305_300x0_resize_box_3.png

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