7–12 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Only hackers will survive

7 Sept 2024, 10:00
Room 1

Room 1

Keynote Main


Joanna Murzyn


In this talk, I'll explore how the hackers' ethos - defined by open
knowledge sharing, bold experimentations, and collective problem-solving
- is vital for tackling global challenges, especially those one related
to lack of regenerative resources management.

I'll take you on a journey from crucial mineral mining hubs to
electronic waste dumpsters, uncovering the intricate connections between
code, hardware, open source principles as well as social and
environmental justice.

You'll gain a new perspective and discover how the KDE community's work
is shaping a more resilient, regenerative future, and explore ways to
extend those principles to create positive impact beyond tech world.

Presentation materials

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