4–6 Apr 2025
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

conf.kde.in 2025 will be hosted on 4-6 April in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

conf.kde.in started in 2011 at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore by some of the Indian contributors. Afterwards, we hosted 6 different events, each in different universities and venues.

  • 2013, KDE Meetup, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
  • conf.kde.in 2014, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
  • conf.kde.in 2015, Amrita University, Kerala
  • conf.kde.in 2016, LNMIIT, Jaipur
  • conf.kde.in 2017, IIT Guwahati
  • conf.kde.in 2020, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi
  • conf.kde.in 2024, COEP Technological University, Pune

conf.kde.in is catered towards new members of KDE Community as well as seasoned developers, providing updates about what is going on in the KDE Community and teaching newcomers how to start making meaningful contributions. All of these events have been successful in attracting a lot of Indian students to mentoring programs such as Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Season of KDE, and Google Code-In, and turning some of these students into lifelong contributors to open-source communities, including KDE.

This event will attract speakers from all over India. It provides students with an excellent opportunity to interact with seasoned open-source contributors as well as developers from various industries working on open-source software such as automotive, embedded, mobile etc.

What We Are Looking For

We are asking for talk proposals on topics relevant to the KDE community and technology, as well as workshops or presentations targeted towards new contributors.

  • New people and organisations that are discovering KDE
  • Work towards Giving people more digital freedom and autonomy with KDE
  • New technological developments in KDE
  • Guides on how to participate for new users, intermediates and experts
  • Anything else that might interest the audience
  • Show-case of projects by students participating in KDE's mentorship programs

If you think you have something interesting to present, please tell us about it. If you know of someone else who should present, please encourage them to do so too.

All talks may be recorded and published on the Internet for free, along with a copy of the slide deck, live demo or anything else associated with the presentations. This benefits the larger KDE Community and those who can't make it to conf.kde.in 2025. You will retain full ownership of your slides and other materials, we request that you make your materials available explicitly under the CC-BY license.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.