4–6 Apr 2025
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Nix and the Power of Determinism in Software Development

5 Apr 2025, 16:00
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar

DA-IICT, Gandhinagar

DA-IICT, DA-IICT Road, Gandhinagar 382 007, Gujarat (India)
Conference talks Main track


Rishi Kumar


Modern software development environments are increasingly complex, making reproducibility and consistency across teams a significant challenge. This talk introduces Nix, a powerful functional package manager and system configuration tool, demonstrating how its deterministic approach can revolutionize development environments. We'll explore how Nix can work alongside traditional development environment tools, and possibly replace them to some extent.

This talk will also include a beginner-friendly tutorial where attendees will learn how to implement Nix in their workflows.

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