Most Qt applications are written in C++, which happens to be KDE's mainstay. However, Rust is quickly becoming a great second option and is worth looking at, even for C++ veterans.
Whether you need Rust for a specific library, it's memory safety capabilities or simply want to add a Qt frontend to your Rust project - you'll find it's much easier than you think to integrate the two. While there's no single perfect solution, we will dive into the many methods to blur the line between these technologies. This includes CXX and cbindgen for gluing C++ and Rust together, and KDAB's CXX-Qt for a more Qt-oriented solution. I will showcase some real world examples of Rust + Qt applications and even some Rust you can find inside of KDE today.
watch: https://live.kde.org/playersite_0a5de95e-0f2e-4479-8d59-d0095df9daf0.html
Frequent and infrequent contributor to KDE, and been integrating Rust + Qt into my side projects for a few years now.