Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Union: The future of styling in KDE!?

Sep 7, 2024, 4:25 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk Qt Con Continued


Mr Arjen Hiemstra (Blue Systems)


Over the years the way we style our applications has become increasingly
complex. Initially, we only had Qt widgets and a system to style that. Then
came Plasma with SVG based styling, followed by QtQuick with yet another
styling system. At this point, we have several ways of doing styling and most of
them are pretty hard to use. This situation is neither great for developers nor
for designers.

In this talk I will go into the history of how we got here, what kind of issues
this causes and a possible way forward, called Union. Union is a new theme
engine that is being developed, which I hope will eventually replace the
different ways of styling within KDE with something that is both easier to
maintain for developers as well as more flexible for designers.



This talk will be somewhat technical but is not meant to be a deep dive into the exact implementation of styling systems, rather it is meant to discuss the "Why" more than the "How".


I have been a KDE contributor for many years, with code in various projects like Krita, Plasma and various frameworks. Most recently, I have been working on KRdp, as well as maintaining Plasma System Monitor and its various dependencies.

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