Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Why and how to use KDE frameworks in non-KDE apps

Sep 8, 2024, 11:00 AM
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk KDE Development


Javier Cordero


The goal of this talk is to motivate people to make native Linux applications and to help them use KDE Frameworks to create them. The talk is split into two parts: showcase and examples.

The first part focuses on showing what you could accomplish using KDE Frameworks, providing real life examples in and out of KDE. The second part focuses on helping developers not too familiar with KDE, C++, or the Linux ecosystem, avoid common pitfalls when setting up the frameworks and when readying their apps for distribution.


Presentation overview:
- Show how KDE Frameworks may be of interest for application developers outside of the KDE ecosystem
- Show examples of KDE libraries being used outside of KDE Gear
- Mention Linux system integration considerations and name frameworks that can help with them
- Discuss the pros and cons of using KDE frameworks
- Briefly discuss LGPL license compliance and the spirit of the license
- Briefly discuss API tiers and what they mean
- Show how to setup and use ECM and frameworks in CMake
- Explain when and how to distribute dependencies with your apps
- Provide an overview of app distribution options, including: Craft, CPack, Snapcraft, Flathub, traditional app packages, and other stores
- Provide an example on how to satisfy the requirements of multiple distribution mediums from CMake
- Finish by providing tips and links to online resources for further learning


Javier writes the QPrompt Teleprompter app, made with KDE Frameworks, used by professionals for live event productions in and out of studios. He works as a Software Engineer consultant at KDAB and has degrees in Computer Science and Mass Media Communications from the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo. Javier comes from Puerto Rico, is fluent in English and Spanish, and loves video editing.

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Presentation materials