Sep 7 – 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Cutting Gordian's "End-User Focus" vs. "Privacy" Knot

Sep 8, 2024, 12:30 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Conference Talk FOSS Philosophy


Björn Balazs


Our manifesto calls us to have an "end user focus". Among other things, we set up the Visual Design Group to take care of this. Unfortunately the effect of their work is limited by our knowledge about our users. We act ethically, respect privacy, but as a result do not know even most basic things about our user base.

In this talk we present a proof of concept that we have created together with KUserFeedback to cut this Gordian knot. It allows users to store personal data locally, while we as KDE can generate statistics about our users' distributed data pool. We can do this without compromising our ethical standards or ever touching users' privacy.


We will present the results of a project supported by the German Prototype Fund. The talk will not be very technical. The goal is also to show how the project is embedded in KDE and beyond - for deeper technical and mathematical insights we will offer a BoF.


Björn is one of the founders of Open Usability and the KDE visual design group. His passion is data-driven UX work, and he has spoken several times on Akademy about online icon testing or user feedback collection. He has been active in the privacy movement for some time, e.g. as an open source ambassador for the polypoly project, and is now chairman of the non-profit organization privact e.V. - the organization created to support and enable the work needed to make ethical and confidential treatment of personal data the new normal in society.

Presentation materials