Over the 28 years KDE has been active, the community has developed its own particular vision, goals, values, norms of behavior and processes.
Yet, as a living organism, it constantly needs to adapt to the ever evolving world around it, and to remain coherent, ensure that new contributors internalize the community's character and expectations.
Join me to explore this journey, regarding the critical role of establishing and sustaining a strong community culture within open source projects, delving into best practices and continuous engagement strategies, and examine how to create an environment where culture evolves positively over time.
Contributing to FOSS projects and communities for 15 years now, and to KDE since 2016, undertaking a variety of roles, as a Goal Champion, a member of the Board of Directors, as well as the Financial WG and Community WG, and the Akademy Talks Committee.
In my day job, I am the Culture and Knowledge Database Lead at CECG.io, a Platform Engineering, Software Delivery and Cloud Strategy consultancy.
Attendees will get with a deeper understanding of the importance of a robust culture-building strategy and practical insights on how to sustain it over the long term, with the aim of making KDE a healthy and friendly community that continues to thrive in the years to come.
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Headshot Link | https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4D03AQH4IRJz31TrEg/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0/1711445946447?e=1722470400&v=beta&t=ZNDvhpw5Ist1nbDJrBD7_zeiI89NoXOyD2PflPCmd7w |