7–12 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Daily driving Plasma Mobile and what's still lacking

8 Sept 2024, 14:50
Room 2

Room 2

Fast Track Talk Main


Mr Bart Ribbers


The Plasma Mobile project has existed for quite a few years now with the goal to provide a FOSS, privacy-friendly, alternative to the duopoly on smartphones by leveraging the various KDE technologies out there. Even though this project is quite usable as it is and there are various options nowadays to run it on actual smartphones, actual developer interest seems low which results in all kinds of low-hanging fruit not being resolved and frustrating potential end-users causing them to look for alternatives in the Linux smartphone ecosystem.

My talk is going to describe how I've personally started using Plasma Mobile daily (the smartphone I use, various apps, etc) and what I think is currently holding back the project from being used by more people. The goal is to get more KDE developers interested in the project and actually using it daily so they start developing for it. It will never be used by the general public if not even the developers themselves are using it.

Social Links



Known as PureTryOut on the internet and various chat channels, I'm a developer for postmarketOS and the maintainer of the KDE packages for it and Alpine Linux. postmarketOS is a Linux distribution targeted towards all kind of devices but with a special focus on smartphones.

Headshot Link https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/009be61dff83589366616c55cdf2c8b01ff294cca8fd22a80836299d2f24bcaf?size=256

Presentation materials